Episode 140- Party Game Suite with Bruce Voge
February 4, 2019Episode 142: Teotihuacan: City of Gods
March 4, 2019
During this weeks episode:
1) The Pegs discuss their recent game plays including Newton, Vindication, Everdell, and many more;
2) All the Pegs review the action selection game Gugong; and
3) Look back at Calimala.
Click here for game play photos and show notes.
To access the direct download, click here.
NOTE: Board game discussion starts at the 25 minute mark.
:51- Things you can’t do, 6:11- Piranha Pig Con Preview, 10:30- SaltCon, 11:28- San Diego, 15:30- Game chairs, 19:00- Robb’s board game, 25:30- Vindication, 31:22- Everdell, 40:23- Cabo, 45:40- Newton, 52:00- Wildlands, 57:55- Rolling Empires, 1:02:00- Scorpius Freighter, 1:07:19- GoT Catan: Brotherhood of the Watch, 1:14:51- Aeon’s End kickstarter, 1:18:35- Evolution contest, 1:19:33- Wavelength, 1:24:07- Sleeping Gods, 1:18:21- Jaipur, Jodhpur, and Ankhor, 1:30:55- Gugong Rules, 1:33:40- Gugong Review, 2:07:06- Calimala Re-Roll
Certain of the aforementioned reviews derive from a copy of the reviewed game which was provided by the publisher, free of charge.