Evoking laughter since 2013
Blue Peg Pink Peg is a biweekly podcast that discusses board games, relationships and the interaction between the two. Started over a decade ago BPPP has in depth looks at board games new and old, juicy tidbits from the world of gaming news and personal anecdotes from the table that only a gamer will get.
Hosts Christina, Robb, Brandon and Kevin bring the fun, laughs and occasionally even manage to make a good observation. Find us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or any of your favorite podcast apps! Also, remember to have some fun while you play those games!
Recent Episodes
Total Talking Heads
4 Pegs
Blue Peg Pink Peg Episodes
Board Games Reviewed
Combined Podcasting Experience
Laughs Provided
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BPPP has been operating the podcast since 2013 and it takes more than four fantastic hosts to make the podcast run smoothly. We rely on support from you the amazing pegheads. Support can come in all different shapes and sizes-joining our discord community, becoming a patreon supporter, buying our merch, becoming a sponsor or just telling your friends about the show. We sincerely couldn't do this show without you.
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With tens of thousands of downloads every month Blue Peg Pink Peg is the place to get the word out about your latest game, crowd funding project or your amazing back catalog of games. A huge "THANK YOU" to the amazing companies who believe our efforts here at Blue Peg Pink Peg.