Episode 137- Danny & Derek Do Board Games and Coimbra
December 17, 2018Episode 139- The Quacks of Quedlinburg
January 21, 2019
During this weeks episode:
1) The Pegs discuss their recent game plays including Architects of the West Kingdom, Gizmos, Dude, and more;
2) All the Pegs review the hand management game Blackout: Hong Kong;
3) Look back at Lisboa; and
4) Share their 2019 gaming resolutions and predictions.
Click here for game play photos and show notes.
To access the direct download, click here.
The rules to Season 3 Trivia can be found here.
Certain of the aforementioned reviews derive from a copy of the reviewed game which was provided by the publisher, free of charge.
NOTE: Board game discussion starts at the 28 minute mark.
1:10- Pigs, 7:20- Season 3 Trivia, 10:02-Contest Winners, 12:28- BLADE Gaming, 15:47- Albatross Games, 20:12- Trevor!, 26:43- Diablo III, 28:11- Dude, 33:04- Voluspa un-published, 36:40- Pathfinder Kingmaker, 37:53- Architects of the West Kingdom, 47:45- Gizmos, 52:30- Quantified, 1:01:55- Capstone and Magnastorm/Fuji, 1:04:56- Concordia Venus, 1:07:10- Blackout: Hong Kong Rules, 1:12:00- Blackout: Hong Kong Reviews, 1:43:00- Lisboa Re-roll, 1:49:49- 2019 Predictions and Resolutions