Renegade Game Studio’s Family Pack Contest
September 12, 2016Episode 82- Scythe and Board Game Cafes
September 26, 2016BPPP Inis and Geek Out Two (click on the text to the left to listen)
During this weeks episode:
1) The Pegs discuss recent news and game plays including Colony, Lotus, The Great Dinosaur Rush, Gobbit and more;
2) Give you a chance to win three great family games courtesy of Renegade Game Studio,
3) Review Asmodee Game’s area control game Inis; and
4) Talk again about some non board gaming things about which they geek out.
To enter the Renegade Game Studio Family Pack Contest click here.
Click Here for Game Play photos and show notes.
Certain of the aforementioned reviews derive from a copy of the reviewed game which was provided by the publisher, free of charge.