Episode 12: Lost Legends/Board Game Gifting
December 9, 2013Episode 14: Steam Park/Gaming Resolutions and Predictions
January 13, 2014Click On The Clip Below To Listen To The Thirteenth Episode Of Blue Peg, Pink Peg
BPPP Seasons and Best and Worst
During this week’s episode:
1) Patrick and Robb discuss their Christmas gift giving and receiving and recent gaming news.
2) The guys and the girls review Asmodee’s card drafting game Seasons.
3) All of the Pegs discuss their best and worst gaming experiences from 2013.
Click here for show notes.
Blue Peg Catch-up
1:17- Robb depresses us all by telling us about unlucky 13
3:20- The Blue Pegs discuss their year end culling plans, including their replay reviews of, Wasabi
and World of Warcraft: The Board Game
7:16- The Blue Pegs describe a birthday poker debacle
9:10- Robb shares one of his epic holiday traditions, The Ornament Exchange
11:15- The Blue Pegs preview their Christmas gifts including, Amerigo
La Boca
and Core Worlds
13:37- Patrick reviews the newest expansion to one of his family’s favorite games, Last Will: Getting Sacked
14:56- Patrick discusses his preparations to play Tash Kalar: Arena of Legends (Note: Since this recording Patrick and Keri have both played and enjoyed this game.)
16:24- Robb points out to kickstarters how the designer of Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia has done things right
18:05- Robb provides an update on the now defunct kickstarter campaign for Pathfinder: Dice Arena
20:19- Robb lets nostalgia get the better of him and examines the kickstarter campaign for Meg Man: The Board Game
22:18- Patrick discusses the new releases that came out AFTER he put in his holiday order including, Rampage
and Vikings: Warriors of the North
24:57- Patrick reconsiders his dislike for ioS games and suspects that they may be good for the hobby after all
Blue Peg, Pink Peg Review
27:12- Patrick provides a walk through for Asmodee’s Seasons
35:00- All of the Pegs review Seasons
Blue Peg, Pink Peg Discussion
57:29- All of the Pegs discuss their best and worst gaming experiences of 2013