Episode 205: The Night Cage
October 11, 2021
Episode 207: Kokopelli
November 8, 2021
In Episode 206, Blue Peg Pink Peg offers up their Unfathomable Review as well as discussing their most recent board game plays.
The Pegs also discuss their recent plays, including:
- That Time You Killed Me – Pandasaurus Games
- Tsukuyumi: Full Moon Down – Grey Fox Games
- Holiday Hijinks Series – Grand Gamers Guild
- Dreadful Circus – Portal Games
- A deep dive Unfathomable Review
- A look back at Greenville 1989 and Apocrypha in the ReRoll
Unfathomable Board Game
Unfathomable Rules Gist
Unfathomable retheming of Battlestar Galactica and plays very similar to that. It plays 3-6 players between 2-4 hours. This is a hidden traitor game taking place in 1913 aboard the SS Atlantica. As passengers we are fighting off Deep Ones and worse. If that is not bad enough someone in our ranks are traitors.
Start off the game everyone is given an alignment either human or some brand baddie. As a human, you are trying to get the vessel back home to its destination. As a cultist or a hybrid you are trying to stop it. If you ever run out of fuel, food, people, or sanity- The humans lose. All parts of the ship are damaged-the humans loses. You need to put another baddie on the ship and the supply is out-the humans lose.
On your turn you get some actions, either moving around the ship, saving people, fixing things, fighting baddies, and a bunch of other stuff.
The main mechanic in the game are event cards. Some cards a specific role or person has to make a choice, but most involve a skill check. All players have multi use skill cards in their hands. When a skill check occurs the players need to hit or succeed a check. Everyone may secretly put cards that have values into the check. Some cards will help hit that skill check, others will hurt. Also 2 random cards are put in. Cards are revealed if you pass yay, if you fail, bad stuff happens.
03:50 – Peg’s Board Game Halloween Costumes
6:32 – Bad Advent Calendar
9:14 – High School Reunions or lack thereof
12:54 – World Series of Board Gaming Contest
23:26 - Patrick delights us with another round of “Which is Worse?”32:06Plays
32:06 – That Time You Killed Me – Pandasaurus Games;
37:46 – Tsukuyumi: Full Moon Down – Grey Fox Games;
46:04 – Holiday Hijinks Series – Grand Gamers Guild;
53:30 – Dreadful Circus – Portal Games;1:03:05News
1:03:05 – New Reiner Kinizia card game
1:07:08 – Why do so many games only have 5 resources?
1:12:20 – Ticket To Ride PINK, to support Breast Cancer research
1:13:44 - Coyote Peterson the board game
1:16:10 - Scented Dice by Smellybones1:22:06Board Game Review
1:22:06 – Unfathomable Rules Breakdown
1:24:30 – Unfathomable Review
1:51:12 – Unfathomable Ratings2:03:10ReRoll
2:03:10 – Greenville 1989 – KOSMOS;
2:06:09 - Apocrypha - Lone Shark Games;
Check out our original review for Greenville 1989 during Episode 181 and Apocrypha during Episode 182.
* Disclosure: These titles were received free of charge by the publishers or distributors. If you are interested in submitting a title for review, please read our Review Policy.