Reviews of Knitting Circle, Star Tycoon, Donut Shop, and Schadenfreude. Featured Review: Pirates of Maracaibo. Game discussion starts at {00:30:48}.
Thank you to our sponsors: Queen Games, and Grand Gamers Guild.
Reviews of Finding Atlantis, Corps of Discovery, Anunnaki: Dawn of the Gods and so much more. Featured review: Nova Roma Review by 25th Century Games. Board game discussion starts at 00:27:18.
Thank you to our sponsors: Queen Games, and Grand Gamers Guild.
Reviews of Wine Cellar, Regicide, River Valley Glassworks and so much more. Featured review: Zhanguo: The First Empire by Sorry We are French. Board game discussion starts at 31:36. Thank you to our sponsors: Queen Games, Grand Gamers Guild, and AEG.
Reviews of Fika, Sky Team, Star Wars: Unlimited and many more. Featured review: 3 Ring Circus by DEVIR. Board game discussion starts at 46:36 you to our sponsors: Queen Games, Grand Gamers Guild, and AEG.
Reviews of Hamlet-the village building game, oh my brain, Trials of Tempus and so much more. Featured review: Tiletum by Boards&Dice. Board game discussion starts at 39:58.
Reviews of Viticulture World, Tutankhamun, Vivarium, and so many more. Featured review: Atiwa by Lookout Games. Board game discussion starts at 37:21.
Thank you to our sponsors: Queen Games, Grand Gamers Guild, and AEG.
Reviews of Miller Zoo, Precognition, RA and so many more. Featured review: Darwin’s Journey by ThunderGryph Games. Board game discussion starts at 36:21. you to our sponsors: Queen Games, Grand Gamers Guild, and AEG.
Reviews of Motor City, Rollercoaster Rush, Hickory Dickory and so much more. Featured review: Northgard: Uncharted Lands by Studio H; Board game discussion starts at 23:00.
Reviews of Heat-Pedal to the Metal, Blazon, Point City and so many more. Featured review: Endless Winter-Paleoamericans by Fantasia Games; Board game discussion starts at 31:34.