Bonus Episode 19: GenCon 2022 Recap
August 15, 2022
Episode 227: Terracotta Army
September 5, 2022
In Episode 226, Blue Peg Pink Peg offers up their Brazil: Imperial Review as well as discussing their most recent board game plays.

The Pegs also discuss their recent plays, including:
- Cascadia - Flatout Games
- Concordia: Solitaria - Rio Grande Games
- Ready Set Bet - Alderac Entertainment Group
- Spirit Island - Greater Than Games, LLC
- A deep dive Brazil: Imperial Review
- A look back at our Ankh: Gods of Egypt Review in the ReRoll
Brazil: Imperial Board Game
Brazil: Imperial Rules Gist
Brazil Imperial is an action selection territory building game for 1-4 players. Players play as Monarchs expanding their territory. These Monarchs offer variable player bonuses.
The game is played over 3 eras. At the start of the game the players are given 6 era cards (2 for each era) and must select one for each era. That’s right I said era 3 times in one sentence. These era cards are essentially achievements you can complete. Once any player completes their card for an era everyone advances to the next one. Think of the era cards as the game timer. Once any player has completed their third and final era the game end is triggered.
On your turn you select one of seven actions. These actions allow you to deploy troops, acquires paintings (that give you bonuses), construct buildings (that give you resources), renovate (that let you replenish resources in your territory), manufacture (which improve your actions), and harbor and trade (both allowing you to acquire resource). These actions also each help you move your troops around the board to different terrains. Almost everything you build and deploy will give you end game points.
There are also ways to acquire gold cards and combat cards. Gold cards give bonuses and resources and combat cards increase your strength in battle. If two units ever occupy the same space (or adjacent in the case of a canon) there is a combat. This is essentially comparing army strengths aided by cards and painting to see who win. If you lose, the unit is removed from the board, but fear not, they are easy to get back out so combat isn’t too punishing. If your unit is ever in someone else’s territory, you don’t own it, you just to get to use the resources there if any.
You do this in turn order until someone completes their era 3 three card and then everyone gets equal amount of turns. Who ever has the most points at the end is declared victor.
02:09 - Snack contest winners announced! We are sad that nobody picked mayo.......
9:37 - GenCon talk
12:53 - PAX Unplugged
15:27 - Brandon plays games in Denver
18:58- Gaming pro-tips from Brandon
21:25- Amnesia Gaming33:16Plays
1:05:53 - Essen Hype - Joan of Arc: Orleans, Wizard Deluxe, Uwe Rosenberg Games
1:18:18 - World Series of Board Gaming-final call!
1:21:21 - Star Wars Deck Building
1:24:27 - American Psycho-The Board Game
1:29:05 - The Fox Experiment
1:31:54 - Legacy Lounge-Sagrada Legacy
1:36:29 - Cranium Designer Passes Away
1:40:48Board Game Review
1:40:48- Brazil: Imperial Rules Gist
1:42:55 - Brazil: Imperial Deep Dive
2:15:49 - Brazil: Imperial Ratings
2:23:25 - Ankh-Gods of Egypt
Check out our original review for Ankh: Gods of Egypt back in Episode 204.
* Disclosure: These titles were received free of charge by the publishers or distributors. If you are interested in submitting a title for review, please read our Review Policy.