Episode 179: Ecos: The First Continent
September 7, 2020Episode 181: Greenville 1989
October 5, 20201) The Pegs discuss their recent game plays including Sovereign Skies, Mariposas, Flourish and many more;
2) All the Pegs review Trismegistus: The Ultimate Formula; and
3) Look back at Rurik: Dawn of Kiev.
Join in the conversation for this episode over at our Board Game Geek guild.
Show Notes
00:01:08 – Trivia: It’s Johnny!
00:06:30 – Robb gets the plague?
00:10:52 – Upcoming guest appearances: Robb on Brambeard on 10/7, Patrick on Bridge City Boardgamers
00:14:24 – Flourish * [Buy] – Starling Games ; Designer: James A. Wilson, Clarissa A. Wilson; Art: April Borchelt, Dann May, Christina Qi, Naomi Robinson;
00:27:50 – Dominion Tangent
00:29:38 – Mariposas [Buy] – Alderac Entertainment Group; Designer: Elizabeth Hargrave; Art: Indi Maverick, Matt Paquette;
00:40:40 – Sovereign Skies * [Buy] – Deep Water Games; Designer: Aaron Andrew Wilson; Art: Giacomo Tappainer;
00:49:09 – A word from our sponsor Queen Games
00:50:14 – Ohanami * [Buy] – Pandasaurus Games; Designer: Steffen Benndorf; Art: Christian Opperer;
00:57:02 – Exchange * [Buy] – Games by Bicycle; Designer: Eric Sillies;
01:05:14 – Stay Cool * [Buy] – Le Scorpion Masqué; Designer: Julien Sentis; Art: NILS;
01:12:58 – 7th Citadel
01:16:12 – Avalon Hill Heroquest
01:18:01 – Fallen Lion from Gloomhaven
01:19:48 – Stefan Feld’s Bonfire
01:22:20 – Snakes and Lattes takes over board game cafe
01:26:14 – A word from our Sponsor Grand Gamer’s Guild
Trismegistus: The Ultimate Formula
01:27:52 – Rules Breakdown
Trismegistus is a 1 to 4 player action selection game designed by Federico Pierlorenzi and Daniele Tascini, with art by Paweł Niziołek and Paulina Wach, and published in 2019 by Board& Dice. In Trismegistus, players take on the roles of historical alchemists competing to collect and transportation ingredients, collect inventions, and complete increasingly complex formulas for points.
The core mechanic in Trismegistus is its action selection process. At the start of the round, a pool of dice will be rolled. Each die is one of three colors – red, white, and black – and has one of six alchemical symbols, including a wild. When rolled, dice of the same face are collected in various pools on the game board. If any pool of dice has more than five of the same face, the entire pool is rerolled and distributed again until every pool has five or fewer.
Then, the first player will select a die from one of the pools. The number of dice in that pool will determine the “potency” of the die; essentially, how many actions, or the strength of those actions, can eventually be taken. This is indicated by placing the die on the appropriately numbered location on the player’s board.
Both the face of the die and the color of the die will determine exactly which actions can be taken. For example, a common action of the game is transforming a raw material into a refined material. To do this, a token needs to be moved across a colored path on the player’s. A material can only be refined if a player uses a die matching the color of the required path. Dice can also be used to collect new materials, essences which are used in the refining of materials, and collect new formulas – all of which are contingent on the face or color of the die used.
Completing formulas by cashing in materials are a significant source of points. Players also get points by moving along various elemental tracks – the position on these tracks also serving as prerequisites to completing formulas – which is done in a number of ways, but most commonly by using appropriate essences when refining materials. Players will also work on completing their Philosopher’s Stone, represented by wooden tiles that will be claimed by players as they complete formulas and placed in a grid on their player board. Advancing their philosopher’s stone will unlock discounts for completing future formulas as well as granting several one time bonuses as tiles are cashed in and rows and columns are completed.
A round lasts until all players have selected and resolved three dice. Some small amounts of points may be gained over the course of the game through a handful of different sources, but most of the scoring is at endgame, which takes place at the end of the third round. Here, completed formula cards are scored, elemental tracks are scored, and the philosopher’s stone is scored, along with a handful of other goals and small resource-based points. Scores are tallied, and the player with the highest score is declared the most powerful alchemist!
01:31:03 – Review
02:01:35 – Ratings
02:12:10 – Rurik: Dawn of Kiev * [Buy] – PieceKeeper Games; Designer: Stan Kordonskiy; Art: Finn McAvinchey; Yaroslav Radetskyi; YomaKali Fitzgerald; Alayna Lemmer-Danner;
Check out our original review for Rurik: Dawn of Kiev during Episode 155.
Gameplay Photos
* Disclosure: These titles were received free of charge by the publishers or distributors. If you are interested in submitting a title for review, please read our Review Policy.